Prank Ideas XD XD (COLLAB)

You can add more if you want!


# Get some guns! (preferably ones that fit in a school bag)
# Get a balaclava! (ski mask)
# Wear it!
# Go to school... (bonus points for ones with a lot of young children !)
# Pull out your guns!
# Laugh it off! (nothing is real)
# Tell everyone it is a prank.
# Film it all and upload to YouTube! (have adsense on, so you can earn BANK)


# Dress like a thug
# Go to a bus station
# Wait for a school bus to come (make sure it has kids)
# Get on bus and threaten everyone
# Pull out guns (They're fake ones!1!!!)
# Tell them to drive you somewhere (Preferably somewhere silly X3)
# Half way up to your destination, reveal that the guns were fake and that it was all a prank


# Get in thug outfit
# Kidnap someone (A preferably a friend)
# Tie them up, gag them, do what you gotta do
# Get them in the ban
# While you're there make it seem more real by waving guns at him/her
# To make it all more scarier, start slowly cutting their flesh off
# Before they bleed to death, confess that it was all a prank and take them to the hospital
# Make sure you threaten them so they don't tell the police/anyone!


# Steal someone's dog/cat
# Decapitate them
# Store the rest of the body in freezer
# Wait until that someone gets worried/sad, starts putting posters everywhere, etc
# Prepare a nice lunch with the pet's corpse
# Give it to them to "Cheer them up" (Don't reveal that it's his/her pet yet)
# The next day, mail them the head with a note containing some bad pun about heads and/or decapitation and explain what you did to the pet, an that it was, indeed, a prank.
# Wait until they get over it in order to talk to them again


# Choose a random person in the street that you don't care about
# Kidnap them (obviously) Make it all seem realistic
# Keep them in your attic/basement for 3+ days
# One day just go up/down there and say that you'll have to kill them, unfortunately
# Say it's for "Teh glory of Patrixx" or something random like that XD XD
# Slit their throat with a knife
# Put their body near a police station
# Attach a note in the body that says "It's just a prank bro"
# You'll never get arrested because is just a prank! So DO iT aGaIn

9/11 PRANK

# Call up the NSA
# Say that you are from Saudi Arabia and you're gonna blow up the State Empire Building
# Use an Arab accent for better effect.
# Prepare ISIS for World War III
# Hijack 4 planes
# Fly them into the State Empire Building
# Blow up the building
# Kill thousands of American citizens
# Call up Obama
# Say it was just a prank and to look at the camera
# Obama will forgive you and you can do it again!


# Dress like a tool
# Go to a place with lots of girls (or guys, if that's your thing)
# Come up to one of the girls (or guys), make sure that you're filming this so she knows is for a YT vid
# Lead her (or him) to a private place, with not as many people
# Rape their sorry arse (Make sure you tell them that it is indeed, a prank and there is nothing to worry about)
# Forget to wear a condom
# Now this could go in two ways, if you get an STD or infected them with one, remember that it's a prank, therefore the STD isn't real, if you accidentally got her pregnant, then make surer to tell the court that it was all a joke, there's nothing to worry about and you DON'T have to pay for child support
# Become YT famous


# Dress douchy
# Get a British accent
# Track down Sam Pepper
# Get into his house
# Kill Sam Pepper (There can only be one)
# Rip off his skin
# Rip off your skin (You're a skeleton now)
# Wear Sam Pepper's skin
# Spend the rest of your days doing barely legal pranks!


# Live in a parking structure
# Find a person who's alone
# Kidnap that person
# Brutally murder that person
# Dump the body in your neighbors pool/backyard.
# Repeat until the cops are convinced that it was all your neighbors doing.
# Assure the cops and your neighbor it was all a prank!

Youtube Prank

# Send a message to fat people to tell them to get a life
# Say they should die
# Watch the comments roll (ITS JUST A PRANK BRO).


# Go on Twitter (or any other social media)
# Tell celebrities (the more the merrier) you want to kill them
# Let the fangirls harass you
# But hey, it's only a prank
# Repeat